Tuesday 15 December 2009

Preliminary task questions

Question 1 What planning did you do for your filming task, and how did this planning aid the filming?
When planning my preliminary task, me and my three other group members had a discussion about how we could incorporate all of the requirements I.e. opening a door and having a conversation. We decided to have gangster’s playing cards but quickly changed our minds as we couldn’t have acted and filmed this seriously and made it look believable. I am glad we went through the planning stage as we had a clear idea of what we were doing and we didn’t waste too much time having long conversation and arguments. We were able to quickly go out and take the shots we needed without any problems.

Question 2 What is the 180degree rule, and how is this rule important to the filming task?
The 180degree rule is a term used when filming; the 180degree rule is used to avoid confusing the audience. The 180 degree rule is always filmed from one side at several different angles for example a football game is always filmed from one side of the pitch so as the audience always knows which way a particular team is going, if the camera suddenly shot from the other side the audience will be confused and not know which team is going which way. The 180 degree rule works in exactly the same way by always staying one side of a character so as to avoid confusion.

Question 3 What shot types and camera angles did you use in your filming task, and to what effect?
In my filming task I used a variety of shots to get more meaning and transfer ideas to the audience. The first shot was a static close up of two bicycle wheels rolling past, the idea behind this shot was to create enigma and get the audience to question the action. This shot lead on to a mid shot of a student riding their bike hastily into the school gates, a mid shot was used so all the action could be captured with a gentle panning movement. The next shot was an over shoulder shot which followed our character into the school dinner hall. This shot was used to make the audience feel involved in the scene. The last shot was a mid shot of a dialogue between two characters; we kept to the 180 degree rule so we didn’t confuse the audience but were able to maintain a sensible conversation.

Monday 7 December 2009

Audience Research

With this research I aim to discover the way in which the general British public discover films and the way in which they watch them. I am going to look at how people of different age groups hear or find out about films, I am going to develop a questionnaire. I am then going to interview a certain amount of people to find out how they view these films, where they go to view these films and how they would like to view them.


Your age group:
0-16 years of age: 17-25 years of age: 26-35 years of age: 36+ years of age:

What is your preferred genre
Thriller: Comedy: Horror: Adventure:

How do you find out about Films?
Poster: Television: Internet: Magazine:

How often do you watch films?
Once a day or more: Once a week: One a month: Less frequently:

Who do you watch films with?
Generally alone: With your spouse: With your friends: With your family:

Do you live an active lifestyle?
Yes: No:

Are you interested in fashion?
Yes: No:

Are you interested in the music charts?
Yes: No:

Do you frequently use the internet
Yes: No:

Do you commonly access any of the following social networking sites?
Face book: Myspace: Bebo: Twitter:

graph 1
Originally uploaded by Harlston123

graph 2
Originally uploaded by Harlston123

graph 3
Originally uploaded by Harlston123

graph 4
Originally uploaded by Harlston123

From the Information I gathered from this Questionnaire I discovered that with age the audience wants to consume a more realistic type of film, a thriller or adventure are often films that are more believable and also more commonly main stream.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Analyse how the opening scene of Sin City uses the conventions of film noir to set up audience expectations

Film noir is a very popular style of film it’s not a genre as it commonly called. Film noir is shot in black and white and uses non ambient lighting combined with ambient lighting to set the mood and tone of a scene. These films often heavily feature crime and adultery, frequently these films with have a theme of trouble and evolve a male hero/role or female role (femme fatale) who will be trying to escape trouble or the inevitable.
Sin city is not shot in the traditional film noir style but still closely follows the conventions. Sin City is a neo noir film meaning that it isn’t totally black and white but has aspects of colour in this particular film the colour is used to highlight a certain aspect of the shot, for example a key object or item of clothing ( red dress ) to show something or to imply something. The Red dress is a key item in the opening scene because it is highlighted in colour to bring the audiences attention to the dress. The colour red implies danger, and ideas of sexuality, making the female character seem attractive.
Sin city opens to a dark night scene where a woman stands on the top of a tall building in a dark city. This woman has a red dress on (implies danger) and red lipstick (seductress) behind the woman is a loud party with large windows emitting allot of light which provides this scene a large amount of non ambient light to set a vibrant happy mood, contrasting with the huge dark city which shows us how small and helpless they are amongst such darkness. The woman is not alone for long when a well dressed man approaches behind her. Already conventions of film noir have entered the film the sharp dressed man who could be the hero enters casting an eerie shadow and the woman who would appear to be the femme fatal of our story. A voice over then begins (which is another convention of film noir) this voice over describes the male entering and the dialogue being produced sets a very dark tone ‘she shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dieing tree’ this opening sentence features heavy suggestions of death. The male then offers the woman a cigarette which she takes. Smoking is also a common feature of film noir as it is considered stylish and glamorous. He then leads on to light her cigarette this shot shows intimacy between the two characters, a close up of the lighter is also included to make sure the audience do not miss this intimate gesture. In this scene iconic props are often used and there is a close up of each prop used this is another frequent film noir convention as these iconic props can be easily used to set the scene. The woman then asks if the male character is bored of the party, and he begins to talk very personally complimenting her and telling her he has been watching her and she is perfect, this is very romantic and the woman seems to fall for his clever pick up lines. He then says its her eyes he has fallen for, a close up of her eyes comes on screen and they change from black and white to green only for a moment to highlight her eyes and draw all the audiences attention to this feature. He then says he sees she is sick of running in her eyes and she embraces him and the dialogue stops and the voice over comes back in. the whole screen becomes inverted and the two characters kiss. The voice over describes what the man is saying we know see that the voice over is what the male in this scene is thinking. ‘ I tell her I love her…..The silencer makes a whisper of the gunshot’ he shoots the girl shocking the audience after this very romantic and intimate scene keeping the audience very enthralled and curious as to what happens next the camera then pans out to show the whole city and how small these two characters are.
This scene sets up the film very nicely as it has elements of death crime deception and intimacy. This scene leaves us wandering as to what unfolds through out the film the clever use of coloured objects highlight key points in the scene such as the red dress and the female’s eyes. Conventions of film noir are frequently used in this scene to develop the ideas of darkness and crime and it is very successful and allows to get right into the storyline and sets us up for the story to come and allows us to predict the theme of darkness crime and trouble.
Harley Evans

Elle the Fragrance by YvesSaintLaurent

Elle the Fragrance by YvesSaintLaurent
Analysing Printed media advertisements
The model is standing in a suggestive manner and she looks very seductive and attractive, she is wearing a suit implying she is sophisticated and intelligent but the suit is very revealing and also tells us that she is very beautiful. The open suit adds a sense of eroticism to the whole advert. The way the model is dressed also adds a sense that she is very dominating the open erotic suit in black alongside the heavy make up and tied back hair makes her seem very dominating and powerful. The model is aged around 20 to about 25 years of age this makes woman aged around 20-25 years old relate to the image and find it more pleasing and more of a necessary product to make them more beautiful and intelligent like the advert implies. The model is wearing very heavy make up and the bright pink lipstick perfectly matches the colour of the product and also making the woman seem more glamorous and stylish. The advertisement is shot in a studio we can tell this through the artificial or non ambient lighting in the background, the lighting also reveals the ideas of good and evil on the woman’s right side the light is bright however on her left side the lighting is very dark and shows us the idea of good and evil or naughty and nice perhaps. The bright background lighting contrasts with the dark clothing the woman is dressed in. The colouring of the advert is very clever as the majority of the advert is black and whites but the actual product is very bright and colourful and clearly highlighted to show consumers what they are buying, the product is also being used as a spray can and the products name “Elle” has been elegantly sprayed in a large font across the image. The product being sold is a fragrance and clearly this would not leave a trail of pink writing this has been edited on via computers and software. The writing is bright and vibrant and attracts attention instantly and is easily recognised and acknowledged as the product title. The camera angle is looking directly at the woman showing her whole body waist upwards. The image itself isn’t particularly culturally specific but the name of the company “Yves saint Laurent” is French which adds a slight French theme to the advert making it more culturally specific. The product itself is a bright pink bottle which draws attention and then the detailing of the bottle is all gold adding glamour and elegance to the product and making it seem far more attractive. The model, the bottle and the font all combined add a very high class or wealthy feel to the advert and product. This advert would be sexist but the product is trying to be sold to women making it acceptable but if the same advert was selling say a brand of beer to men the woman would be being objectified and revealed to sexism, however being that the product is for women the advert is acceptable and allowed to be produced. The whole advert gives off the theme of glamour, style and eroticism making this advert very drawing for women as I’m quite sure most women want to look sexy, beautiful, powerful and intelligent at the age of 20-25 and this advert really sells that point and implies that if you wear this fragrance you will become this attractive and powerful woman. The advert gives the impression that wearing this fragrance will make you a powerful and dominating woman the woman is alone on the camera giving us the idea she is single and successful as she looks wealthy and upper class in her suit I get the impression that she would be working high up in a successful organization or the leader of this company or what ever it is, this idea of being single and working and being an independent woman is a recent idea and isn’t the traditional thoughts of women, this advert gives off the impression of the very modern woman who is powerful wealthy and independent.

Harley Evans

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Film Noir
Film Noir is usually about Crime. Crime is an element in nearly all noir films; in addition to that greed and jealousy are frequently the criminal motivation. And will usually involve some sort of authorities rouge or genuine. In other common plots the main theme is based around heists, con games, or in murderous conspiracies often involving adultery. False suspicions and accusations of crime are frequent elements in film noir, as are betrayals and double-crosses. Amnesia is far more common in film noir than in real life, and cigarette smoking is very common and practically every film noir will have scenes of smoking cigarettes. Film noirs tend to revolve around heroes who are often mentally unstable or perhaps corrupt in some way. The characteristic heroes of noir are filled with bitterness. Certain characters appear in many film noirs—hardboiled detectives, femme’s fatales, corrupt policemen, jealous husbands, and down-and-out writers. Film noir is often set in an urban location or a built up city like, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Chicago, in particular generally the city is presented in noir as a maze. Bars, lounges, nightclubs, and casino’s are frequently the place of action. In popular noir it is always night and it always rains. In film noir the male’s roles are often played by strong masculine men who seem to be corrupt in some way or another and seem to always have a weakness generally towards women. The men in film noir seem to always be smoking and brooding about something, usually the men aren’t the reason for there predicaments but they are responsible for making their problems worse. Film noir is often based around a problem caused by either women crime or money.
The film sin city is a very unusual style of film noir but still has its fair share of powerful characters who demonstrate the usual characteristics of film noir characters the character I have chosen from this film is Marv. Marv is a strong character who has many mental problems he is a troubled character and has to take pills to control his mental state. He is evolved in a world where crime is the route of everything, his part in the movie is all to do with the death of a prostitute that showed him compassion however she is murdered in the night while he is sleeping next to her, so marvel takes it upon himself to find the killer and take revenge on him
Dwight a hero who is also a character from sin city, fits the bill of a traditional film noir male he is a tall strong man who has some sort of criminal backing, he is also somewhat mentally unstable his sequence in the film starts when he finds the girl he likes being abused by another man (adultery) and takes it upon himself to punish this man and tracks him down using the help of an old female friend who is the traditional style of a femme fatale, this sinister woman helps him get his vengeance and justice is served but with a film noir twist to it, Dwight becomes mentally troubled by the corpse and becomes even more mentally unstable.
Harley Evans

Thursday 24 September 2009

Year 12 Media Studies Student Questionnaire

Name: Harley Evans

Other A levels taken: theatre studies, graphics and photography

GCSE Results: English c, maths c, science c, history c, religious education a, Spanish c, DT resistant materials b, drama b,

Hobbies: snowboarding and photography

Media interests: advertisements for products

Print media
What newspapers do you read/dip into and why?

I don’t read newspapers regularly but I prefer redtops as they publish more down to earth gossipy articles and the whole set up is more of a light hearted style as opposed to broad sheet style newspapers which I find more boring.

If appropriate explain why you prefer to access news on the internet.

I prefer to access information and news on the internet as there are lots of different presentational styles and you can receive news from all different angles and research older articles at the click of a button.

What magazines do you read and why?

I read men’s health magazine as it’s designed for a male audience obviously it feeds out lots of information which is relevant to me like fashion ideas and updates and also health and fitness tips.

Radio media
What radio stations do you listen to for information and/ or entertainment?

I listen to radio heart for local news and entertainment as the stories are quirky and interesting, but for music I would listen to radio 1 as it has all the latest mixes and tracks playing almost constantly and is an easy way to keep up to date in the music world.

Music industry
What are you favourite genres of music?

I like many different genres of music and will listen to allot of music with an open mind but my favourite styles would be hard rock, dub step, reggae and rap.

Do you belong to a band, if so what is your role?

I do not belong to a band but I help my friends out if they need a bassist as I play bass and have for a year or so but not consistently.

Do you access your music on the internet?

I usually download all my music through iTunes but if I don’t have time to download a track I will use the website www.grooveshark.com to instantly listen to any track in the world.

What is your opinion of illegal downloading of music off internet sites?

Personally I don’t think it is too bad as often I have been tempted to download my music as iTunes can be very expensive especially for a new release, but the band itself who have recorded the music will be losing out on money and coming together to form an album costs allot of money with all the costs of studio and advertisement.

Explain how the music industry might influence your dress, attitudes and aspirations.

You might be influence to change your clothing style and attitudes to that of your favourite band, you may see his or her success down to the way they dress or act making you change how you react in situations and how you choose to dress.

Video games
Describe your favourite video game

My favourite video game would either be Henry hats worth or the warriors. The warriors is an adaptation of the new York based gang film the warriors in which you control the gang warriors and have to build up their reputation and help them escape the other gangs of new York. This game is as appealing to me as it’s very different to how I live my life and the violence is so unimaginable in my life.

Explain how video games may have a negative effect on attitudes to gender and attitudes to the solution of conflicts.

Video games can be very violent and contain explicit language when a young child plays a game like this they can learn that its right and start to be violent and talk with explicit language. Many games have conflicts in them and the idea in a video game is that they are fantasy and anything is possible and no real casualties appear, however these violent games almost encourage violence and people fight each other and accidents do happen.

New technology
How do you think new technologies have-
Increased your understanding of the world?

The internet was a massive tool to help me learn about the world as it is filled with information about absolutely everything and shows images from all over the world, the internet lets us have a glimpse of almost anything we can imagine. Computer generated images also help us see things as people imagine them or as they are seen.

Your ability to communicate with others

The internet provides instant messaging programmes which we can use to communicate seamlessly to others all over the world, mobile phones are becoming smaller and allot more practical they are everywhere at only a cheap cost for a basic phone they are an easy method of contacting any one from anywhere.

Access to films, television programmes, the music industry.

Through the internet you can effortlessly download an entire television serious or a film or an album from your favourite artist the internet keeps you very well connected with all of the media’s aspects to a certain extent.

Which are your favourite television channels and why?

I prefer to watch music channels as I am very much a music fan; however I also enjoy watching the E4 channels as they play more dramatic programmes which I like. The channel Dave is also a favourite of mine as it plays lots of comedy during the night and programmes which appear to my gender during the day.

What is your favourite television and why?

My favourite genre of television is comedy as it is uplifting and makes me feel happier and generally better about myself. But I like dramatic programmes as well because they give you something that you have to think about to watch and allow you to get very heavily evolved in the programme itself.

Describe a television which strikes you as entertaining, stylish, humorous or clever.

I find the new Pepsi max advert very clever and entertaining it evolves a queue of people sitting in an office waiting for a job interview the first person goes in and starts to beat himself up and throws himself out of the door letting all the other people see, these people all quickly walk off leaving one man to go in and clearly receive the job this is a mock of a scene from fight club the film. This advert is very entertaining and also amusing.

Which television programmes do you consider memorable?

I would say friends is a very memorable programme as it is very popular and you can watch it time and time again and not become tired of the same gags and jokes. This programme is very effective and it is difficult to explain way, however it is very closely related to normal people’s lives and we often find ourselves in similar situations but the characters react very differently and it is interesting to see what will happen.

Feature film
Which is your favourite genre and why?

I enjoy both comedy and thriller because they are both very entertaining but for very different reasons, comedy is easy to watch and makes you feel very happy and can also help release stress, however thrillers and heavily physical films and get your heart racing and keep you guessing throughout the film as to what’s going to happen next and you can never tell the turn out.

Identify three films which you find outstanding

The curious tale of Benjamin button is an incredible film and the performance from brad Pitt is truly incredible he plays the role very well and is perfect for this particular role. The story line for this film is also fantastic it is very deep and meaningful and way it is filmed its very clever and really absorbs you into the film. The film road trip is a very funny film about a group of teenagers who go on a road trip to try and receive a tape they accidently posted to the wrong person, the group fall into all sorts of trouble and have allot of fun getting out of it. This film is very funny to watch and the comedic timing is very good, the acting is also very good and all the roles are played by the perfect actor. My third most outstanding film is saw 1 this film is very gripping, the story line is fantastic and you can never guess what’s going to happen next so you are constantly thinking throughout the film, the sets and filming go together very well and really get us on the edge of our seats, the actors aren’t the best but the film was made on a small budget and is truly epic.

How do you prefer to consume films? At the cinema? On television? On a portable electronic gadget?

Whenever I watch a film I usually watch it on my laptop because its generally cheaper than anything else and it is easily portable so I can constantly change position to be seated comfortably, I can adjust the brightness and sound levels to my choice and pause the film when I want to, whereas at the cinema you may have someone talking and I personally don’t feel comfortable in the cinema with other people rustling their popcorn bags or sweet wrappers, so I personally prefer to watch a film alone on my laptop.

Which is your favourite cinema?

My favourite cinema would have to be Hollywood cinema in Anglia square because it is very cheap and not very popular meaning there isn’t many people there to talk over the movie, this particular cinema still have intermissions in the middle of the film meaning you can stretch your legs or relive yourself compared to most cinemas which don’t have this break.
Do you prefer to watch films on your own or in a group?
Usually I prefer to watch films by myself so I can choose when to pause the film eat what I want and have the sound and lighting to my personal preference, but when watching a horror movie I like to be in a group so I am able to make jokes throughout the film to stop myself getting to scared, being a person that gets scared easily I like to be with friends for comfort.

Identify any media text (of any medium or genre) that has most offended you. (Think about violence, sexism, racism, obscenity, incomprehension, bias, boredom)

I recently read in the sun newspaper about a family who were all majorly obese and they managed to claim disability benefits of twenty thousand pounds a year without tax this is roughly the equivalent to a yearly salary of fifty thousand pounds which I thought was ridiculous. The general public is paying for these obese people to sit around doing nothing with their lives. The article also included the facts that this family wanted more money and didn’t think they were getting enough benefits. I found this article very offensive because they could quite easily go out and lose their weight and get a job or get a job in a factory.

In contrast identify the most interesting or exciting or innovative media text you have either seem or heard?

I recently saw the ford KA advertisement for the new model of the ford KA which was very interesting and I personally found very effective, the advert evolves the camera moving through a shopping mall and through several shops until the camera finds the actual car but this advert is interactive or like a puzzle, as at the beginning of the advert it says how many KA’s can you sport and pictures of the car are located all over the place and it is a puzzle to see how many you can see.

Can you identify any media text or episode from a media text that has altered your attitude to yourself, to your family, to your friendship group, to your community, county, your values, inspiration or creativity? In other words a text that has altered the way you think about the world

I am very impressionable and some things can make me want to or change the way I am the television series one tree hill is very dramatic and shows good and evil in many forms watching this programme makes me feel as though I should act and behave very differently and live my life better and care for others and live for the moment. Also the film saw made me see how dark the world can be and how fortunate I am to have a working body with no aliments and made me appreciate life more and live faster and make the most of what I have.

Why have you chosen media studies as an option?

I have chosen media studies because it is a subject that is all around us every single day and it would be very useful to understand how everything worked and what the ideas behind everything are. The induction day showed me that media studies were a very interesting subject and I thought it would be very useful to have the knowledge of.

About me

My name is Harley Evans I am a student at cns