Tuesday 23 March 2010

Mainstream and independent interview



Audience research: Main stream or independent interview

Which Film would you prefer to view at the cinema?

I would rather see district 9.

Why would you rather see district 9?

I would rather see district 9 because the animations look really good and the story line looks allot more interesting.

What doesn’t appeal to you about red road?

It looks to boring and slow paced, I don’t really like the way its shot.

What doesn’t appeal to you about the camera work?

It just seems to grey and dull, and I would prefer to see a fast paced action film.

Why would you rather see an exciting film?

When I go to the cinema I want to see an exciting film which is highly entertaining because I want to escape reality for 2 hours, Red road seems to realistic which I find boring.

What would you fundamentally expect from an independent film?

Unknown actors, more controversial and in depth story lines, usually the have less or no computer generated images.

What would you fundamentally expect from a mainstream film?

Well known and highly regarded actors. Highly developed computer generated images.

Why do you think that mainstream films are so popular?

I think that they are popular because they don’t do anything unexpected they are a very safe film choice and the audience knows what to expect.

Do you think independent films are successful?

They can be however it all depends on the story and camera skills because some films tend to use unusual camera work which reduces a films success.

Could you tell the difference between the two film trailers?

Yes I found it easy to tell the difference between the two simple by looking at everything in the picture (or mise en scene) an independent film wouldn’t have high quality C.G.I or interesting abroad locations because these two factors are very expensive.

Why do you think there is such a difference between the quality of editing and camera work and shots?

Well the main difference is down to funding and how much money is pumped into the production of the film a film with a higher budget can afford to use expensive computers and use foreign locations. Also the actual production company will help a films quality due to having a large reputation and drawing in the best actors and production crew.

What do you think is the biggest aspect that affects each film’s quality?

I would say the money that is put into the films is the largest factor that affects all aspects of the films. Budgeting is a big deal in the film industry and a lack of money can severely restrict what can be done in a film. District 9 clearly had a huge amount of funding as high quality effects and C.G.I is used to produce unimaginable scenes.

How do you think an independent film would achieve its budgeting goals?

Erm I would presume they would ask companies for funding or use their own money to invest in the films; however I’m not really sure.

How do you think mainstream films acquire their funding?

Well when I watch mainstream films a large amount of titles from various companies come up at the beginning of this type of film so I presume that large production companies such as 20th century fox fund the films. Or other companies such as Sony allow companies to use their equipment a lower fee.

Interviewee: Joseph Robson

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